Knauf participates in the World Sustainable Building Conference Barcelona
The WSB14 will be held on the 28th ,29th y 30th of October in the Palau de Congressos de Barcelona, with Knauf participating as a GOLD sponsor, and will present session 127 “How can BIM help designing sustainable building?, which will be on the 30th of October at 12:00 hs.
Jallon, Paul
Knauf Director of Development, France.
Häkkinen, Tarja
D Sc (Tech) is Senior principal scientist at VTT. Finlandia.
Coloma, Eloi
BIM Innovation Specialist. Doctorate Professor in UPC University Barcelona, Spain.
Mills, Fred
Osborne General Aquisitions Manager and Founding Director at The B1M (BIM one million). United Kingdom.
Buildings are evolving with more technology and interaction between the different construction systems, making them more complex but more sustainable, thanks to increasingly stringent European directives. In this line, we are sorrounded by different tools to control times, costs, impacts…but, we need something that should be able to manage all this information.
Is BIM the way? When we talk about a BIM project (Building Information Modeling), we know that we are improving the building design, cost, enery, savings… but we know little about how BIM can help us achieve more sustainable buildings. In order to design more sustainable buildings, we need more information and this information must be linked, could BIM manage this information throughout the whole building life cycle? Are public administrations, industry, professionals and software focused in this direction? Techological advances and the industry are improving fast, such as lightweight building systems with less environmental impacts… but how do we integrate this information within the BIM? Do we need compatible software? And finally, is BIM really the future?
The World Sustainable Congress series which comprises WSB14 Barcelona, is the biggest gathering in the world to debate about the different aspects of Sustainable Building. It is promoted by the CIB (Conceil International de Batiment), iiSBE (International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Enviroment), UNEPSBCI (Sustainable Buildings and Climate and the FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers). It also counts with the collaboration of the WGBC ( World Green Building Council). This year’s team is: “Sustainable Building Results: Are we moving as quickly as we should? Its up to us.”
For more information, click here